O.N.E. Hospitality Group, Rotary Club of York PA, Virtual Meeting, 06/03/2020, Noon
Click Here to view Video:  https://youtu.be/iZkYKDb3hdE
A true chameleon, Toni Calderone, CEO of O.N.E. Hospitality Group which is the umbrella company of concepts Tutoni’s, The Cantina, Aviano’s Corner Trattoria, Presto Pastaria, Tutoni’s Flour Shop fresh pasta line, The Rig.a.Toni food truck, RaisedStake.com, Taste Test and more speaks on how she led her team through a complete strategic pivot of the company during this pandemic.

With new growth on the horizon, O.N.E. is carefully planning and preparing for a new way of executing the dining experience in a compliant environment. As things change from day to day, one thing that remains is the hospitality that runs deep in her blood and an undying love for her community.